Mac 26, 2012

Mangastream Blog

Berita yang agak mengejutkan apabila web yang terkenal dengan manga Naruto, Bleach, One Piece, Hunter x Hunter, Katekyo Hitman Reborn, Claymore dan D.Gray-man (Kebanyakkan dari JUMP) telah diberhentikan serta merta atas kerana permintaan daripada Viz Media iaitu sebuah syarikat yang memegang lesen terhadap manga yang disebutkan di atas. Susulan dari Viz Media itu memaksa Mangastream untuk mengeluarkan semua manga dibawah perlesenan Viz.
Dan berikut berita yang ZoOM baca :

“February 11th, 2012

Dear MangaStream supporter,
It’s with a heavy heart that I make the following announcement. MangaStream will no longer be releasing the following series:
- Naruto
- Bleach
- One Piece
- Hunter x Hunter
- Katekyo Hitman Reborn
- Claymore

- D.Gray-man
VIZ Media has demanded that we end our scanlation work for all of the above. This comes despite our best efforts to pursuade fans into supporting official distributors by being the only group to actively prevent an archive from forming on their website through the removal of chapters that are older than a couple weeks. They’ve succeeded in little more than invoking inconvenience to the community as their digital magazine missed the mark; it runs several issues behind and only features 3 of the above series. So long as their product continues to be slow, awkward and inferior to something a ragtag group of nobodies can churn out in a few hours – fans will continue to look to scanlation groups and aggregators for their weekly fix.
The aggressive and escalating nature of their threats have forced our hand into removing the content. MangaStream will no longer be posting full scanlations for any of the aforementioned series, we will instead focus our efforts onto the series we do that are not licensed by VIZ Media (you can assume everything currently on our directory will be continued).
Our final message to our loyal JUMP audience will be this:
Thank you for supporting us over the past two years and making Mangastream your home away from home. It was a pleasure sharing our time with fans who were just as passionate and dedicated as we were.
Although MangaStream will no longer be hosting any of the Jump series, if it’s something our fanbase is interested in, we’re considering leveraging our connections to bring you accurate spoiler summaries for the Jump chapters as early as possible. We know this isn’t much, but hope it can whet your appetite until the dozens of aggregators release the official Jump chapters on Wednesday. “
 Hai-hai dan Bye-bye la jawapnya...
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